Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Asgardcms Installation - Step by Step

Following are my project & database details.
Make sure you created an empty database .( Ex: "myasgardcms")

Project Name : myasgardcms
Hostname  :  localhost
Database  :  myasgardcms
User  :  root
Password :  (empty password)

Minimum System Requirements( as on version 1.12.0)

To be able to run AsgardCMS you have to meet the following requirements:
·         PHP 5.5.9 or higher
·          PDO PHP Extension
·          cURL PHP Extension
·          OpenSSL PHP Extension
·          Mbstring PHP Extension
·          Tokenizer PHP Extension
·          GD PHP Library
·          MySql 5.5
·          One of the following cache drivers: memcached, redis, apc. (defaults to array)

Step-1) Install Composer
Asgardcms can be installed through composer, so need to install composer in your system
Ø  Open - 
Ø   Download - Composer-Setup.exe
Ø   Install 

Step-2) Starts Download
 Open Command Prompt, enter following commands and wait for execution.
Note : I am using xampp, so path is C:\xampp\htdocs     ( use path as per your root folder)

Once download and is done you can see following screen.

Step-3) Starts Install
Type following commands
Ø  cd myasgardcms
Ø  php artisan asgard:install

Step-4) Database Connection, admin account creation

Step-5) That’s It, Done J
Admin Password: admin (this is what we entered in “Enter a Password”)



  1. Thanks for the excellent article!

  2. Hai Mr.Subrahmanyam Bandreddi.
    I already finish that steps, after that, i'm getting error. View [default] not found.

  3. Great explanation for localhost installation, but when it comes to hosting provider, the installation process might be different. For example, on some providers, you will only have to enter the composer command to install AsgardCMS. Like done here:
